Sunday, May 2, 2010

BDay Prep: Day 1 Complete

Calories: 0

You know, I feel fine. Its all good. What is driving me crazy already though and will continue to is cooking! I have to feed my 3, yes THREE kids all day. :(

Avocado, Veggie Burgers, Pizza, Carrots, Sandwiches... /cry
I roasted cornish game hens for dinner for fuck's sake.
Seasonings... condiments... AAAAAAAAAAARRRGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

This isn't going to be easy. I want that fucking day 10 so bad though. Day 10. That's all I care about right now. If it isn't Day 10, fuck me blue, I don't want to hear it from myself. Not a word. After Day 10, we can talk.

Anyway, I feel great. I wasn't even barely hungry today. I confess, yesterday was about a 1200 cal day. (Thanks Red for your post involving being honest. I agree completely, if we can't be honest here, then fuck!) Other than that, I had such a great week! It was excellent prep for the fast too. Hunger is not my enemy yet.

The Yogi's of India suggest focusing on your hunger and then turning the feeling inward. As if folding the sensation deeper into yourself rather than trying to ignore it. When I began fasting years ago, I'd do one week long juice fast per month and a single day water fast once a week. I loved it and felt so amazingly good. Lost lbs too... My co-workers were impressed and wondering where my body was vanishing to. I lost about 8 lbs per month. Then I got pregnant with my first child. The point is, the technique of turning my hunger inward worked really well for me. Maybe some of you can try it. :) Let me know if it helps! <3


  1. Congratulations Ana Banana!!!!!

    I folded today, gave in to the candy, but I've stayed strong since then.

    Water fast through Friday (wish I could do 10 days... but I'll be living with people again starting Friday so...) I know I can do it. We can do it together!

    Here's to watching our bodies eat away at themselves!


  2. p.s. I also find that reveling in hunger instead of trying to fight it makes all the difference. Mentally turn it into a good feeling. Problem solved!

