Friday, May 21, 2010

7 Things You Might Never Have Known About Me

Sweet Sexy Scarlet has nominated me for the prestigious Beautiful Blogger award. (Thank you Scarlet! ) This chain of inter-blog loving comes at the small price of revealing 7 deep, dark secrets... or just 7 things you may not know about me.

This is a bit of a challenge... If you knew me in person, you'd find I'm a hell of an extrovert. :) I'm a frightened girl who gets her thrills in life by taking her many fears head on... becoming frightening rather than being frightened. As a result I don't have many deep dark secrets, but I guess I can share some of the things that you guys don't know about me.

1: When I was a kid, I was a compulsive liar. I wanted friends so badly, I'd say pretty much anything to get them. Fear, fear, fear. Now I'm the opposite. Honest to a fault, especially if it scares me.

2: I was an expert thief by the time I was 8 and to this day was never caught. While most girls were playing barbies, I'd set up a jacket on a chair and practice pick-pocketing. I wanted to be a spy when I grew up. (Side note: I never used my abilities to steal from any individual though, and stopped stealing because I'm a good person and didn't want anyone to get in trouble because I snuck past them.)

3: I care a lot about people and have a rather fragile inner self... this is a big secret because I really don't seem that way outwardly.

4: I have hacked into an internet service provider or two and pulled their client info just to stalk strangers for fun. :) I don't bother with this often, but I'd make an amazingly resourceful stalker if I wanted to... oh and I know how to create multiple identities with legal paperwork and citizenship in other countries.

5: My mom died of cancer when I was 18 after a slow 5 year battle. I took care of her much of the last year. This is still a deep source of pride and pain... It shattered my already somewhat dysfunctional family. It caused me to be a more open person I am now because if I didn't evolve I'd have died along with her. This also led to me being temporarily passively suicidal. I'm glad I survived it. Never got therapy for any of it though... refused.

6: I've only ever kissed or been intimate with one man. I picked him, fell in love with him, and eventually he came to me and the rest is a 14 year history. I love that I've only been with him, and never regretted our loyalty and monogamy for a single moment in that 14 years. Looooong relationships have a whole different set of problems and rewards.

7: One thing I haven't said on my blog... mainly out of fear of judgment... is that I'm pro-ana, but I'm doing it while breastfeeding. So in my normal life (other than with my sisters and husband), the pro-ana thing is a secret. And in my pro-ana life, being a nursing mother has been the secret. My baby isn't a young one though, and is very close to weaning... over a year old... so even though this kind of thing is strongly advised against, any harm it could do is minimal or non-existent... still... I do burn an additional 400 cals or so nursing, so all this is a bit extra hard on me than on people who are not lactating.

I'm not sure who to nominate next that hasn't been already, or who are busy enough not to have time for it.... but I'll go for:

Riki Ana
Kate Lunacy

1 comment:

  1. You and I are similar and yet different as night and day!!!! When I was young I would steal any food I wanted like a dynamo! I think the biggest thing I did was get rid of a half gallon of sugarfree ice cream over the course of like a week...
    Sorry to hear about your mom, my dad was (is) sick (but not with anything that's sealed in stone life threatening) so when I was young my brother and I used to be in and out of the hospital waiting rooms with him...I think I became more to myself because of it. I was just so afraid that if I talked to anyone it would all come spilling out.
    Haha, hacker eh? I only specialize in facebook/google stalking, but that's pretty cool. Of course, we only use our powers for good! Lol
    Scarlet<3 (btw I like the sweet and sexy part!!!)
