Thursday, June 10, 2010

Love, Progress, and Official Before Pics

It's been a while since I told you all how much I love you. You've all given me strength where everyone else in my life failed me. You've inspired me when I had little or no motivation. You've kept me going strong when I felt so weak.

I love you so much for that.

I love dearly everyone whose blog I read...

I love deeply everyone whose comments I read, on my blog and others...

I love every single soul who follows my blog and the blogs of my proAna friends...

And I love, love, love my skinnisisters because they're fucking amazing! :)

There is so much I'm grateful for. For example, there is no wedding ring on my finger though I'm married. But I won't wear it again until I've reached my goal weight. It's too bad it took such a painful situation to shake me awake, but I'm so relieved that I did. And despite the daily struggle, I'm so grateful to know that I can fix this... that I AM fixing this. How amazing. I almost forgot what kind of beautiful potential I had. And I'm so glad we can find our way to our skinnier, more physically beautiful selves together. <3<3<3

At blog I read, Yummy Secrets, Yum just posted progress pictures and a link to old before pictures she had posted. omg Her courage absolutely amazes me. I could never imagine having the strength and bravery to do something like that. But it is so inspiring! Please take a look...


Look at her thighs! The difference is so clear! The pic sets were taken 5 months apart. She wants to lose another 17 lbs and is well on her way. Aren't you proud of her?

I took "before" pics too when I started in April. I never had the courage to post them, but I do now. I am so gross... it is so disgusting. Part of me feels like all of you will hate me if you see how fat I was. I know I've lost about 10 lbs since then, but believe me, I don't look too much better yet. I am posting them here and now and it is no joke when I tell you that it makes me feel like dying. I'd rather die than post. I think I might actually cry...

But I'm doing it. So here they are. FML.

(I can't believe I'm doing this... and no, I don't wear that fucking swim suit...)

(If you click this awful shit, you'll be able to see it clearly. My semi-transparent posts get messed with by the blog background.)

Holy shit.

Ok. I'm not saying anything else. I can't. But these are the Official Ana Banana Bella Before Pics. I post them with the perfect trust and faith in myself that in a reasonable amount of time I will post something much better. I will post progress. And like how what I've seen inspired me, some poor girl who looks like I did will see them and see the after pics and find a hope in herself that all the infomercial lies in the world could never inspire.

The hope I intend to create is a cause far more important than my shame.

So anyone I don't know, and didn't name above. Any of you who reads this now and later, looking for hope for yourself... looking for someone like you... looking for an answer... know that I love you too. Even if you came across this years from now, I am somewhere feeling love and appreciation for you and your troubles. This love is so great that I posted my own disgusting pictures so that maybe you'd feel less disgusting and find your own courage to set a skinny goal and head for it whole-heartedly.

Until next time...

-Ana Banana Bella

P.S. If you don't already, go subscribe to Yum's blog, Yummy Secrets!!!


  1. Just think what a smokin' hot goddess you're gonna be!!!!!!! We love you too babe and you are very very brave. I have before pics from when I weigh 240.5 and I barely can look at them I am PETRIFIED of posting them. Everyone would run away from my blog screaming, lol!
    Good luck babe, can't wait to see the finished product!

  2. Thank you so much Scarlet! That means a ton to me right now. I don't even have words to express how much. <3 Lets keep going! We're going to look amazing!
