Friday, June 4, 2010

Friday Night!

Today was a good day! Water fasted all day. The evening took a turn for the social and I went to hang with my girls. So I did bump some calories. I didn't feel too bad about it after not having eaten all day.

I'd finish me out at around 600 cals for the evening... there was ice cream involved. Where you have girls you can always find ice cream.

Gonna do the same tomorrow though. Liquids or water as long and often as I can. Live the dream!

Now I'm hitting the shower and moving on to the evening's other enjoyments. :) Probably True Blood and sex. Mmmm... what am I waiting for? XD

See you all soon! I love you all! Don't let slow progress keep you down! Just keep at it and your control won't fail you! xoxo

Good night!


  1. LOLZ girls and ice cream like two peas in a pod. yay for water fasting!!!!!!! I've never seen True Blood, lol, I don't have cable!!!
    Good luck!

  2. I downloaded True Blood from iTunes. That's the only way I really watch anything. iTunes for $$ and for free.
