Scientists are discovering there's a hidden key to shedding pounds, and it's got little to do with calories or willpower. Meet your hormones -- and the surprising effect they have on weight.
Say you eat a doughnut. The doughnut you deserve because it's a hellish day, and carbs are what will make this week -- the one before your period -- worth living through. Oh, the bliss when that powdered sugar hits your system! Until, inevitably, you crash, which leaves you exhausted and depressed... and sniffing around for another doughnut.
Because a doughnut is never just a doughnut. It's a Molotov cocktail that you're lobbing into your hormonal ecosystem.
"I know it sounds counterintuitive, but calorie counting is not everything," Aziz says. "When insulin is secreted in higher amounts, you feel hungrier and you eat more. Willpower does not exist when insulin is high."
Ah shit. So should I be eating more sugar? I'm too lazyyyyyyy to read right now. And I'm drinking a beer. Ugh.