I love reading the blogs of my sisters in Ana. Lately I haven't had much time to do it. I don't know about you, but sticking together and thinking of you guys helps me keep the binges away. I also self-loathe less. :) Because I love you guys and we have so many similarities, I think the love spills back over to loving me more too.
A quick state of my life comment: I've been visiting family, they feed me too much, I binged, makes me hate life, I can't wait to get out of here... though I do love the family. I want to get a good fast going. I also have a bunch of new products up my sleeve I've learned about here. One of my relatives is a wealth of skinny info. :)
Ok, I'm off to read.
Kazehana - Thanks! That was sweet. There really is no problem with the comments. That was kinda the point. When I'm in my hormone freak-out mode every silly, non-existent problem can be the end of the world. I'm glad I can at least tell, and then self-correct.
just want to thank you for your post on tara stiles. i've been checking out her youtube-channel a week ago and since then sweating like hell doing her yoga-workouts - goodie! good luck with the fast!