Thursday, September 16, 2010

In Dreams

Last night I dreamt of a drawing I did a long time ago. It was of a nude woman, about a 6 on the fat skinny spectrum... with fat and curves, but beautiful. She was the concept of a real woman... just drawn in oil pastel and I piece of cardboard.

In my dream someone pulled the picture out and said how amazing the was and that I should do more art work. I said I'd like to paint, but I'm not good at it. Then I went into a room in my house that was a beautiful art studio. Part of the room was a chalk board for sketching on. I sat on a couch near a drafting table and the chalk board came to life with drawings like I tend to draw. They were crappy, but clearly in my style. Then they evolved and as they did I saw how. Greater detail, shadows, and how they were born... the strokes that made them. And in the dream I understood how I could do this. I could transform my style of art into something more whole and good, with talent. The evolution of the art before my eyes showed me the tremendous potential in what I've so far been capable of doing, and what it could become.

Then one of my kids woke me up to ask me something. Bah.

I feel like painting. I tend to paint female body figures and beautiful women. A lot of the time I try to capture how I feel I'd look if my body was a product of my "soul".

-= Comments =-

That makes a lot of sense. The center and being centered. Easier said than done isn't it? But I am very interested in that concept. I agree completely, any of these things in excess are destroyers, and things kept in balance are healthy and encourage life.

I probably do have that condition. I wish I could fix it. I have made a hell of an eating competition opponent... :( Since I've been here and nurturing my hunger, my stomach has shrunk somewhat, so the pain comes sooner now. That's helpful. But the month or so I slacked off, even though I wasn't too bad, it stretched out pretty quickly again and I could almost go back to my old portions. So I can't do that anymore. I have to continue keeping close to my hunger.

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