Tuesday, April 27, 2010

End of the Day Report

Sailed the sea of a completely liquid day. According to my calculations for my modified Master of Disaster Cleanse today my calories were at 670. I'm tracking my progress closely on Tap&Track, but I'm not going to put any exercise in it. It adjusts the daily calorie goals and that messes with my brain. Gonna keep it simple.

My sister tried to offer me another cup'o'calories today, but luckily I could tell her no, but thanks so much. Today is a fasting day.

You guys who are single, live alone, or even just don't have kids... sigh. I love my family and my life, but it makes killing off my fat so hard. I'm fasting today. I'm strong. Keeping motivated. But I have to go to Costco and buy tons of food. I have to put it all away. I have to feed them. Tonight I made pizza and goddamn it I didn't touch a bite of it. If I lived alone it would be so easy. I'd have nothing in my fridge but bok choy, spinach, and carrots... maybe some seaweed salad, avocado, and sashimi. Superfoods. Nothing but superfoods, and just enough of it. Not in a house with steaks and rice and pizza and sandwiches. Ugh. I'll just have to work harder at loathing it all.

Fuck fat fodder foods!
"What, my dear Lady Disdain! are you yet living?"

Is it possible disdain should die while she hath such meet
food to feed it as Fiddledy-Fat-Fuckidy-Fodder-Food?
Courtesy itself must convert to disdain, if it come in her presence.

Yes, or if it tried on her pants.

On that note, I turn in my blogging hat for the evening. Red, Scarlet, and I were liquid fasting together today. I think it turned out well! I'm not sure if I'll be able to tomorrow. It may be a higher performance day. I have a TON to do. In any case, I've set my Tap&Track profile to lose 2 lbs per week, plus an additional 500 calorie reduction for good measure. That leaves me a max of 680 calories per day. So even if I don't flush, I'll be on track. :)

Hugs to all! Stay with it girls! Eyes on the prize!

Good night! Sweet skinny dreams... Zzzzzzzz....

1 comment:

  1. Zzzzsnore...snort! Oh! P.S. Someone asked me today if I'd lost a bunch of weight! She said I looked more like my sister. hehehehehehe giddy! I was really happy to hear it. Couldn't have come on a better day. She doesn't see me often, so I was probably 180 when she was around last. XD XD XD Zzzzzzzzzzz......
