Red sky at night, sailors delight.Last night was a red sky night, I think. I'm looking forward to smooth waters today. I can tell I'm going to be a junkie for this blog. It's only one day old and no one is reading it yet, but it's already helping me. I'm not depressed even though I should be. Or maybe I am, but the affirmations are keeping it in a perfect illusion I need so much. I don't care which it is.
Red sky at morning, sailors take warning.
I'll probably post a lot through the day again. I might need to. I didn't midnight snack last night. It felt so good to be hungry, and it felt good to be able to say so somewhere where drama queens won't take it out of context. I'll split up my posts by subject. Might post another now. It just helps my thought process to break them up rather than post an uber long giant one single post. Rain drops of posts rather than the one flood.
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