Monday, July 12, 2010

ZigZag Diet Calculator!

Very cool calorie calc! It even gives you a zigzag plan!

I just calculated mine!

Oh ok. I see.

To maintain fat-ass weight, I need about 14,630 calories per week. -- Fuck that. Moving on...

For weight loss, I need about 11,705. -- No, but getting better.

For extreme fat loss, I need about 9,579. -- Seems like they don't want to go lower than 1312/day in order to avoid starvation mode.

Hmm... I'll have to think about all this. Good stuff! More on this soon. A plan is forming...


  1. gah...I'm trying right now to increase my intake to above 1200/day. I am not doing such a great job? I know I need to stay above starvation range, and maintain intake in the *ex fat loss* range, but OMG, IT IS SO HARD. lol
    I desperately want to be in the 120s by september, tho, so I just have to suck it up and :/

  2. hahaha I know! It is soooo hard! You don't eat because you need to lose weight but then you have to eat to lose it? Talk about complicated! Hang in there, you'll make it!

  3. all calories are not equal. carbohydrates are only good for creating bodyfat and creating sensations of hunger. Go to zero on carbs!!
