Monday, August 30, 2010

Zig and Zag: The Tale of Two Masters

I tried Zigzagging. It worked slowly and healthily, but for me it was confusing and took me out of the weightloss frame of mind.

Zig days were Ed days and Zag days were Ana days.

I think I decayed into eating too much on the Zig days and it took me too close to my binge eating EDnos crap. And since I'm an extremist and can't balance it, I have to do one or the other. And since I don't want to be fat, if I have to choose Ana or Ed, again I go back to Ana. Ed just makes me want to join Mia, and that would be really bad. So I am going back to the drawing board. Back to Ana.

And it feels better this way. I can't serve two masters. One is enough. When I plateau I may go back to a week of zigzag to reset my body, but I don't think I'll be sticking to it. My love is for Ana, so I'm back.

I haven't eaten today. A taste while cooking for my kids. Tiny nibbles. No plate in front of me. I'm sure its about 50 cals of incidental nibbles. 40 calories of plum fruit. And other than that... only tea.

It just feels better. I'm happier not eating. I'm happier restricting like crazy cakes!

Love you skinnies!

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